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As an enablement agency we work to unlock the talent in people. Whether that's improving workforce financial operation models, implementing human resource systems, or working with individuals to design performance pathways for the most optimal employee experience, we are in the business of...people.



Partnering with your organization, we work to develop and implement compensation programs that can support and sustain an engaged workforce while seeking to keep employees motivated and driven at every level.


Anchored in the scientist-practitioner model of applied psychology, we collaborate with stakeholders to strengthen productivity norms that exist within organizations empowering career health, direction, and overall cohesion.

our technique

There's something amazing that happens when you exchange information, time, and talents with others. it's the key that opens the door to life's greatest and most rewarding experiences... 

 Patt Ekong, from "Let's Go Together" Keynote

We provide non-binding direction to client-teams seeking industry insight on people-focused initiatives. Strategies and recommendations exchanged during sessions drive decision-making amongst teams' with aims to improve alignment of available resources.

Ekonometrix Externship Program
The paid externship program is designed to provide professionals the opportunity to acquire on-the-job experience, collaborating with our team on various occupation-based endeavors. Externs will also be eligible for sponsorship towards advanced certifications and/or other events of interest.

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